The word from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is to expect a colder winter than last with higher energy costs. For more information click here. It sounds like it’s going to be a cold winter! Just an FYI that SIEC will have to have a rate increase in 2018, but we will wait until April […]
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New Employee
Please join us in welcoming Paul Jackson to our cooperative family. Paul has worked with SIEC for approximately 16 months as a forestry management contractor and as of 10/01/2017, he joined us as an employee. Please welcome our new Director of ROW Management. Congratulations Paul and welcome aboard – we serve some of the best […]
Helping Our Sister Cooperatives
Four of our lineman and two of our line vehicles are in Georgia assisting a cooperative in getting power restored to their members. The Illinois electric cooperatives banded together and sent a total of 123 linemen plus vehicles and equipment to help in getting the Georgia cooperatives power restored. Please keep them in your thoughts […]
Richard Moss
Please join us in your thoughts and prayers for the family of Richard Moss, who has passed away. Richard was a long-time and very faithful director for the Cooperative and his insights and experience will be greatly missed.
August 2017 Employee Anniversaries
This month we celebrate four employees on having work anniversaries with the Coop! Cindy Dallas celebrates 27 years with us this month. Nathan Meneese celebrates 14 years of service, Robert Nelson celebrates 13 years, Lana Livesay celebrates 12, David Johnston celebrates 4 while Alaina Morrison celebrates her first working anniversary. Thanks to each of you for all you do for the […]
SIEC Needs Your Help!
Our lineman have reported that, on occasion, our members may have been out of power longer than necessary. This sometimes happens when members assume that the entire line is out or that somebody else on the line has already notified us of the outage. We ask that you use our toll free number to report […]
Safety Training
On May 2nd, the SIEC lineman participated in a training exercise for pole-top rescue. The learning objectives were to indentify, prioritize and execute the proper procedures in performing a pole-top rescue.
June 2017 Employee Anniversaries
This month we celebrate four employees on having work anniversaries with the Coop! Pam Lentz celebrates 40 years with us this month. John Harris celebrates 18 years of service while Daniel Hileman and Dexter Reynolds each celebrate their first working anniversary. Thanks to each of you for all you do for the Cooperative and our members! View more […]
June 12th Blood Drive
On Monday, June 12th from 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., SIEC will have a Red Cross blood drive at the First Baptist Church of Metropolis. If you’re a member of SIEC and you plan to donate blood, please bring your most recent bill and we’ll give you a $10 credit for making a blood […]
Union County Electricity Camp
Lineman Stanley Treat and Nathan Menees, along with Chris Boyd, Dir. of Member Services, conducted the Union County Electricity Camp in Anna on June 7th. As you can see, they had some very attentive and great students to work with. They made some Mason Jar lamps and based upon their notes, had a ball doing […]